Monday, February 28, 2011

Fit X Nation - Nutritional Tips

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    This is some great advice for Nutrition

Proper Nutrition-is 80 % Of Your Workout Success

August 25th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply » Proper nutrition is 60 to 80 % of your work out success. Nutrition is always overlooked. Most people working out always go with the more is better line of thinking.

Working out tears down the muscle fibers and when they heal they become a little larger and a little stronger each time.

However, appropriate nutrition, what they should eat. Placed miracle grow plant food when the plant is a good example. This is because proper nutrition is provided, will be twice as fast and twice as large.
And so is by increasing muscle. If you feed them good healthy foods and supplements that will grow faster, bigger and stronger. You should eat 5-6 small meals a day. Why, because small meals are easier to digest. Your body burns and do not store them as fat.
A good example is like when you throw a large log on the fire. It will just lay there and smolder all day. All you get is some smoke and occasional pop and crackle. It doesn’t make much heat.

But if you throw on small pieces of wood ignites and produces a large flame, with much warmth and light. And in a few minutes until it is burned out. And so it is with your metabolism, you eat a large meal, your stomach is full, and you must push open a few times and unbuckle your pants and stretch out and take a nap.
It makes you sleepy in your intestinal meal. Recall Thanksgiving and Christmas, but will say it all. Remember all the great food, heartburn, indigestion, hiccups and those annoying fart? Of course you do.
That big meal put out your fire. It’s not burning up; it’s just sitting in your belly smoldering. It’s not producing any heat, and now your sleepy lethargic and miserable.

But the power of that body five or six small meals a day and each meal will burn in your body rather than stored as fat. Small meals are easy to digest and will have greater nutrient absorption.
What’s that you say? You can’t make that many meals everyday?These meals do not have to be 10 course meals. A small meal could be a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a boiled egg. I used to take 3 boiled eggs with me to work everyday as one of my small meals. You can put them in a baggy with salt and pepper and shake up the bag and get them seasoned.

A dressing can be a small meal of small salad spoon. You can add turkey or ham protein sources. Apple, banana, mixed nuts, fruit cups, canned pineapple or peaches are healthy and small meals, lunch one point some good ideas is a good choice. A meter-long two points can make up your little meal.
When it is time to portion size you choose remember that your stomach only about the size of your fist. It does not take much to fill it. But most people eat more and stretch the stomach. The more you feed on, the more it expands. Then instead of 2 piece of pizza you wind up eating the whole thing.
It takes about 20 minutes before your brain sends the signal to your stomach telling you that you’re full, so eat slow.

Remember nutrition is 75 to 80 % of your workout success and hard work is rest of the formula.

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